Programa de intervención basada en el coaching en jóvenes deportistas de alto rendimiento, y su relación con la percepción de bienestar y salud psicológica
García-Naveira, A., García-Mas, A., Ruiz-Barquín, R., & Cantón, E. (2017). Programa de intervención basada en el coaching en jóvenes deportistas de alto rendimiento, y su relación con la percepción de bienestar y salud psicológica [Intervention program based on coaching in young high performance athletes and their relationship with the perception of well-being and psychological health]. Revista de Psicología del Deporte, 26(2), 37–44.
The aim of this work is to study the effect of a coaching program on the perception of general and emotional health (measured by the GHQ-12; Sánchez-López and Dresch, 2008) and the psychological well-being (measured using the EBP; Diaz et al, 2006) in a group of young elite athletes. The results indicate that the experimental group (n = 38), after completion of the coaching program (with an average of 4-6 sessions, and 45-60 minutes per session), improved their perception of well-being and psych ...
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journal article