The Hedonic and Arousal Affect Scale (HAAS): A brief adjective checklist to assess affect states
Roca, P.,Vázquez, C.; Ondé, D.: The Hedonic and Arousal Affect Scale (HAAS): A brief adjective checklist to assess affect states, Personality and Individual Differences, Volume 207, 2023.
The present study aims to develop a brief instrument to assess self-reported affective experiences, the Hedonic and Arousal Affect Scale (HAAS), rooted in the valence-arousal model of affect. Throughout four different studies, we found that: (1) the 12-item version showed a better goodness-of-fit than an initial longer version (Study 1; n = 259); (2) the two-dimensional model of affect (i.e., four-factor model: positive affect and high arousal, positive affect and low arousal, negative affect an ...
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journal article